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Contact Us

To contact us, please fill the form below, or you can send us an email or Whatsapp/Signal Message.

Contact Form

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Contact via e-mail

Contact via instant messaging:

Whatsapp: +50582282916

Signal: +50582282916

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Basic Cyber Security Protocol

We at Offshore Affairs keep our private and internal cyber security protocol to protect our duty of confidentiality. Nonetheless, it is important that your Users and Clients take appropriate measures if they need an extra layer of privacy, and get versed in cyber security.

Basic contact methods:


We recommend our clients to contract us via encrypted contact methods. 

This helps us keep conversation not accesible to unauthorized third parties.


All clients have to go under our AML/KYC procedures.


Email via Protonmail:


No Client Portal

For higher privacy purposes, we don't have a Client’s Portal where you can access your documents and data.

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