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Dubai Offshore Company Formation and Residency Visa

Offshore Affairs provides Offshore Company Formation in Dubai, as well a residency visas in Dubai and Offshore Bank Accounts.

Our Services in Dubai

Offshore Affairs, as an Offshore Law Firm, has plenty of experience opening offshore companies in Dubai, and obtaining Residency Visa for these companies' owners and their employees, with a 100% success rate thus far.


Dubai Offshore Company Formation and Management

We provide our clients, either non-residents and residents of Dubai, with Dubai Offshore Company Formation Services, 


Investor, Partner, or Employee Residency Visas 

We take care of your UAE Residency Visa application process, either you applying under an Investor or Partner visa, and from inside or outside the country.


Dubai and InternationalTax Counseling

Dubai Related and International tax counseling

Dubai Offshore Company Formation

Offshore Company Formation in Dubai for Foreigners. Offshore companies in Dubai are formed in Free Zones, also called Free Trade Zones, and these companies and their owners benefit from:

  • No income tax.

  • No capital gains tax.

  • No Capital Control.

  • Remote opening.

  • Residency is not needed to open and operate the company.

  • No paid up capital in most cases.


Dubai Residency Visa


Having a Dubai Offshore Company allows you to obtain a Residency Visa and relocate to Dubai, UAE, and also to move your tax residency there. By being a shareholder of a Dubai Free Zone Company, you can easily obtain a residency visa for yourself and shareholder.


To maintain you Dubai Residency Visa, you must visit Dubai 1 day every year if you apply for a partner visa, or 1 day every 6 months if you apply for an employment visa.​


To learn more about Dubai Residency Visas, and how we can get it for you, please click the button below:

Personal and Corporate Taxation in Dubai

We provide counseling on Dubai Related and International tax counseling for individuals and companies. These subject cover, and are not limited to:


  • ​Individual's taxation

  • Corporate tax in Dubai for Mainland Companies.

  • Corporate taxation and obligations for Offshore Companies formed in Free Zones.

  • International tax counseling. 

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