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Offshore Company Formation in Seychelles

Company Price



0% income tax

Economic Substance

Not Required


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Open an IBC in Seychelles

Seychelles IBCs are a very popular offshore vehicle as Seychelles IBCs are tax exempt, low yearly compliance requirements, possibility and legality of hiring nominee shareholders, fast and simple company set up.


EU Status: the Seychelles is on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes.

0% income tax

Fast and cost-effective formation

High level of Privacy

Executive Summary

Location: Africa.


Official Language: English.


Regulation: International Business Companies Act, 2016 and the Business Tax Act.


Company type: International Business Company (IBC).


Time to open company: after all the documents are completed, and payment has been duly recieved, a company in Seychelles can be opened between 1-2 days.

Corporate Governance

​Shareholder: 1 shareholder minimum, can be of any nationality and does not need to be a resident. Can be a corporate or individual shareholder.


Director: 1 director. Individual and/or corporate director(s) allowed. Can be a non-resident of Seychelles.


Annual Meeting: mandatory annual meeting NOT required. Meetings can be held by any means, be it via electronic means, calls, personal meetings, etc.


Reopening a dissolved company: A company that has been dissolved can be restored by request to the court within 5 years of dissolution.


Time to Strike Off Company: 90 days

Privacy of a Seychelles Offshore Company


Names of the shareholders, directors, officials, beneficial owners, are not public record, as this information is not submitted to the registrar when opening the IBC.

Public Information.

Memorandum & Articles of Association, which excludes information of who owns the company..


Nominee Shareholder and Director in Seychelles

To add an extra layer of privacy, a Seychelles Offshore Company hire the services of a nominee director and nominee shareholder. This nominee can be an individual or a corporate entity.


The hired nominee must be a licensed individual in Seychelles, and signs a Declaration of Trust stating that they own the shares of the company on behalf of the real BOI.

Taxation of a Seychelles Offshore Company

Tax Exemption: Seychelles has a territorial tax system, which means that only income generated in Seychelles will be subject to taxation. Hence, a Seychelles IBC that does not do business in Seychelles, will not be subject to Income or Corporate Tax, nor Stamp Duty.


Having bank accounts in Seychelles and remitting income to Bank Account(s) in Seychelles is not considered as doing business in Seychelles.


Mandatory audit: No Audit required.


Economic Substance Requirements in Seychelles

KYC/AML Requirements

  • Passport Scanned Copy.

  • Proof of address.

Yearly compliance requirement of a Seychelles IBC

  • Register of Directors: The names of the directors are reported to the Register, but this information is not accessible to third parties.


  • Financial Reports: No obligation to submit a financial report for public record if the company does not trade in Seychelles.


  • Renew Registered Agent and Address.


  • Government fee: US$150



Uses of a Seychelles Offshore Company

A company in Seychelles can be used for several legal purposes:

  • Conducting business / trading.

  • Counseling or Professional Services.

  • Asset Protection.

  • Holding Company.

  • Acting as a corporate shareholder or director of another entity.

  • International Tax Planning.

Seychelles Offshore Company Formation Price

Basic Formation


  • IBC Formation and primary documents.

  • Government Fee.

  • Registered Agent and Address by a local licensed CSP.

  • Full assistance in filling formation and due diligence form



  • All in Basic Package, plus:

  • Corporate Shareholder and Director. (Nominees)

  • Business and Mailing Address.

  • Notarization and Apostille of primary formation documents



We provide counseling on international tax planning, asset protection, banking, and more. Through this counseling you can make sure your international strategy will work.

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